Because August 2019 in Honolulu was cloudy, humid and hot,

take a train (there is no train in Honolulu) to Borders (there are no Borders) and buy this novel, the book that corrupted Dorian Gray.

Screenshot_2019-08-31 Against Nature

Read this passage about the erasability of borders.



Against Nature and Against the Grain are different translations of the same title, Huysmans’ A Rebours. The man on the cover is Proust’s friend Robert de Montesquiou.


On your way back home from the store, your mode of transport will have changed, the time will no longer be August or 2019 or A.D., and home itself will be a different universe. This one will be as cool as the interstellar darkness.


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Edward Penfield, December 1898. Library of Congress, Post-processed to restore color and contrast.




A Crampton